London Forum
May 21 @ 10:00 am - 12:30 pm

Leaders Together brings together leaders of charities and social enterprises with the goal of developing their leadership roles and further developing their leadership skills through membership in a forum. We know from the leaders who have been attending our forums that the opportunity to learn and share together has a huge impact. Supporting leaders and learning from each other has never been more important.
This small, diverse group of leaders, meets regularly once a month, creating a community of impartial advisors to each other. The Chair of this forum is Andrew Jacobs and during this session Andrew will include time for ‘action learning’ – members of the group bring an opportunity, challenge or issue to the session and together, through a structured process, the opportunity, challenge or issue is explored and possible solutions generated.
Members of this forum include Paypal Giving Fund, The Mortimer Society and The Money Advice Trust.
If you would like to join this session please register. You will be very welcome.
Alternatively, if you would like to know more before joining a session, please contact us at enquiries@leaderstogether.org