ella Forums is pleased to invite you to attend this Speaker Session (virtually on Zoom) as our guest.
Speaker: Matt Sturgess
Matt has had a career in international business starting as an Electronics Engineering graduate, designing the first surround sound loudspeakers. He moved into sales in international roles within different industries; and held many senior roles including MD and CEO with major global companies and SME’s – he has a wide breadth of experience. Now coaching business leaders, he is the author of “Nuclear Powered Resilience”.
Curious by nature, Matt became fascinated with how the mind works. He is on a mission to create a series of mind “user manuals” to help people manage their thoughts and emotions to become more productive, creative and happier with life. Everything we ever did or will do started with a thought! Making more of our thoughts better ones, makes a big difference.
Some people just seem to be happier – ever wondered why or how? Happiness is within our control and is a function of how and what we think. Learn lots of happiness habits.
Science is now backing up what many ancient cultures understood a long time ago, that happiness is derived from our thinking. Learn a series of different happiness habits and choose your favourites. Stack the habits, so that becoming happier becomes automatic.
Happiness comes from within, learn how to notice and be aware of more things to make you happy and grateful. Brain scans and research have revealed the huge impact of gratitude on our minds when practiced regularly, making changes to our minds neural pathways and which parts of our minds get stronger.
Session takeaways:
- How to create a habit – learn the simple and effective way to create mental habits, that stick
- Two simple happy habits – learn two really simple happy habits that will make a lasting difference
- Happy house habit – a unique technique you can use to bathe in happiness at will to boost confidence, change your mindset but above all to enjoy and create permanent changes in your neural pathways
- Increased focus and productivity – better able to focus on your goals and achieve them
- Reduction in stress, worry and anxiety – being happier reduces the frequency and intensity of these states
- Positive impact on those around you – being happier is infectious, mirror neurons play a key part
- Increased positivity – and better able to notice and enjoy more pleasant aspects of life
- Improved health – stress and worry impacts physical wellbeing, our skeletal, immune and digestion systems.
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